Yes, that's me. What and Why you may ask. Well this was taken on Friday when I visited Val, the practice nurse at the Horsham Physicians room. I had travelled there to train Val on how to use the home sleep study diagnostic equipment, the somte psg.
To enhance the training I decided to set the equipment up on myself to demonstrate how easy it would be for a patient to use. To have a home diagnostic study the patient needs to have a half hour appointment. During this time the staff member will explain to them the procedure for setting up the equipment. The patient then takes home the equipment and a step by step instruction manual. It is advised they begin the set up process approximately 30-45 mins prior to wishing to retire for the night. The somte psg is preset to begin recording at the patients bed time and the controls are then locked so there is no fear of the device turning off while the patients is asleep.
The following morning they simply take off the equipment (this only takes a few minutes) and then return it.
Home vs Laboratory Studies
In-laboratory diagnostic sleep studies are considered the gold standard in the diagnosis of OSA. Home studies are appropriate if OSA is highly likely on clinical grounds, there are no significant co-morbidity's and the home environment and patient are suitable.
Advantages of home sleep studies are the patient does not need to spend the night in a sleep laboratory (this usually entails being admitted through a hospital), reduced travel, can be more cost effective for patient and reduced wait time.
It is important to remember that in-laboratory diagnostic sleep studies are considered the gold standard in the diagnosis of OSA. A study comparing the results of in laboratory sleep studies vs home diagnostic sleep studies found in-laboratory studies were superior from a technical point of view. Patient preference slightly favoured in-laboratory studies (55% vs 45%) and the researchers found no difference polysomnographic indexes.
Home sleep studies definitely have there place in the diagnosis of OSA and are a great option for many patients. Home sleep studies will now be available through the Horsham physicians rooms on a weekly basis. Appointments and enquiries can be made through our rooms.
What happened to smiling for the photo Jess?