2010 marks the 30th Annual Scientific Meeting of the ANZSRS (Australian & New Zealand Society of Respiratory Science). Regional Respiratory Medicine is generously sponsoring Heather and me to attend the Annual Scientific Meeting March 19th -24th in sunny Brisbane. The program looks interesting in that it looks back at the history of respiratory science and celebrates past achievements of the Society, but also looks to the future and ponders what challenges await us. The program will look at the past, present and future and cover such varied topics as the development in the recording of lung function measurements; the use of exhaled breath biomarkers; and a “clinical controversies” session on the pre-operative assessment using cardio-pulmonary exercise test, or the clinical utility of expired Nitric Oxide. The organizing committee has recruited some outstanding international speakers to provide input, educate and challenge us. We not only look forward to this opportunity to attend the meeting but also the opportunity to share the knowledge we gain with our team at Regional respiratory Medicine upon our return.
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