In that time the centre has conducted over 2000 sleep studies ranging from diagnostic, cpap implementation, cpap reviews, MSLT, and MWT.
The centre draws patients to Hamilton from the Wimmera, Limestone Coast and Greater Green Triangle area. In the last year Portland District Health has also opened the doors to a in-laboratory sleep services, which is helping to service the demand in the region.
The vast majority of diagnosis that come through the sleep centre doors are Obstructive Sleep Apnoea and although the centre has seen a great deal of patients there is still a significant amount that have OSA and don't realize.
A common comment I hear at the sleep centre is 'I think I've actually had this for years'. What sparks them to be investigated is varied from doctors referral, bed partner nagging (due to snoring or witnessed apnoeas), friend being diagnosed and realising their story sounds similar to their own, job requirements or their own motivation.
So, I thought this was a good opportunity to refresh everyone minds about some OSA Stats.
The Quick Facts
1. OSA is said to be prevalent in 5% of the population but some studies have predicted it may be present in up to 10% of middle aged men.
2. Patients on 3 or more Blood Pressure medications are 70% more likely to have OSA.
3. Around 23% of patients with Type II Diabetes have OSA
4. OSA suffers are seven times more likely to have an accident
5. Depression is strongly linked to OSA and insomnia
6. 50% of snorers have OSA
When OSA is diagnosed and successfully managed it can have a positive impact on hypertension, type II diabetes, snoring, accidents, depression and the risk associated with cardiovascular disease.
It is very important to keep Obstructive Sleep Apnoea on the agenda.

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